6 Reasons for Thinning Flattening & Balding zones on #Sisterlocks heads.
Repetitive search for fixed permanent grid lines, this is a problem for those whose strands are thin and part easily into these unchanging partings. It's also a problem for messy rebellious strands that grow in various perfectly haphazard directions. Continually forcing strands to unnatural part in the same zones of your head will lead to balding.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locks By Melissa Blake, there are No Fixed Grid Lines, because locs sizes subtly change as new strands come through, locs weights change. Lines need to be covered to thicken or reduce growing locs.

Too frequent 6 weekly re-tightenings. Naturally, hair and scalp do not like to be disturbed, the less we are in our previously traumatised African Textured Hair, the quicker rest, recovery and regeneration occurs. 6 weeks is too soon to repeatedly pull strands into locks, especially newly recovering baby strands, which is why they end up falling out when pulled tightly and too frequently into each lock. This explains receding hair lines.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locs Re-lock 4 Times A Year. 1.Summer, 2.Autumn, 3.Winter and 4.Spring. You always choose when you want your Knotted Locs re-locked. This is continual because to create a loop, a significant amount of growth is always needed. Therefore a 3 months gap between re-locking sessions is a very practical cyclical timeline.

Speedy re-tightenings. Being quick was an important part of my Sisterlocks training. Stating the length of time it took to re-tighten or install a new head of Sisterlocks was taught to me in 2011.

This was never reviewed like all other bad practices taught to us during our Sisterlocks course, this was never revised, reviewed or changed. Being quick means errors or mistakes are missed. With speed there is no time to check or review your Sisterlocks re-tightening sessions.
Therefore errors go unchecked. This is what quick & speedy retightenings give you work that moves so fast, errors are never able to be corrected and bad habits are re-inforced a year after you have sat in that Sisterlocks trained Consultant's chair.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locs By Melissa Blake, because the process of knotting and creating the right loops forces me to slow down, and that's what I teach. Each lock requires something different, slowing down and paying attention to what each lock needs is crucial to creating the most suitable knot. Knotted Locs forces re-locking sessions to be slowed down, simply because each knot created is different from the next.

Think about the word re-TIGHTening. What is the word telling you happens every 6 weeks? Tight Re-tightenings carried out every six weeks leads to hair loss. Please bear in mind that, are African heads of hairs have already experienced historic trauma filled hairstyles. When we decided to sit in the chair and get re-tightenings, we believe this will be our last natural hair style. Giving us what we've always wanted free flowing low maintenance natural hair style. The reality is we experience extremely painful retights, thinning crown areas and receding hairlines.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locs By Melissa Blake, re-locking sessions are created with knots. Knot created to not move or unravel. Knotted locks speeds up the hair locking process giving you instantly locked strands. This allows for the daily used of water on your locks without the fear of unravelling. Water helps ease scalp, it moves and settles each KNOT where they naturally want to settle.

The continual pulling away from or jerking up or tugging strands to create inter locked strands is causing the weakening of follicles. Strands are being forced to interlock with a very subtly traumatic process. If you break down what interlocking is interlocking is the interweaving of hair strands to eventually encourage those hairstands to fuse together and creating a subtle knot. There are kinder ways to create this subsequent knot, with 0 risk of weakening and eventually killing off follicles. Dormant follicles are prevalent in Sisterlocks heads, evident in it's flatness finish through out the years of wearing Sisterlocks.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locs By Melissa Blake, Knotted Locs is created with a loop, no pulling or tugging or weakening of follicles. Also it's one motion, Each knot fills quite a large space of growth giving each lock a chunkier, chubbier or thicker finish unlike interlocking which you have to pass several times at the base of each lock to achieve a lesser result. Knotted Locs is one conscious movement.

Sisterlocks says, 'NO Oil.' In my 12 years experience of practicing small size locks, oiling our locs is a necessary part of our lockscare regime. Oil helps lock in moisture, when water is placed on each lock, oil helps to keep the water binded onto the locks giving for longer hydration to each lock. This means that you have maximum elasticity within each strand and therefore within each small size locks. Elasticity is power, it's strengthens strands, it helps locks grow super healthy and super super strong. Therefore lack of hydration in Sisterlocks Heads, has caused brittle and weak strands, which which mean each Sisterlock lock has become through the years, thin growing, flat, brittle while feeling vulnerable.

Solution: Choose Knotted Locs By Melissa Blake, oil is used from day one and through out your Knotted Locs journey. I tend to encourage use of very natural based oil with minimal ingredients, so that you are very aware of what your scalp and locked strands are absorbing. Oil is necessary for Knotted Locs because it helps keep each small size lock separated for longer. Tangled locks becomes less of an issue for Knotted Locs clients, especially where Knotted Locs is re-locked every three months or 4 Times A Year.

Sisterlocks says,' No water.' Washing your Sisterlocks only happens when your re-tightenings are due and that's forever! With the discouraging of frequent washes and rejecting the continual hydration of Sisterlocks. The results haven't been surprising, flaking scalp, dandruff, brittle and vulnerable feeling & looking thin locks. There is also, the complete lack of hygiene. Apart from unclean and scalps and ocs not being cleansed often, lack of hydration causes breakage, broken and stretched out locks, there is also headlice. In my 12 years of hair locking experience, I've only experienced head lice is dry and hydrated Sisterlocks. Sisterlocks attracts Headlice simply because of the 'No Oil & No Water.' practice.

Solution: Choose Knotted By Melissa Blake, I created new Knotted Locs from wet, I re-lock Knotted Locs from wet. African hair loves water and water gives life to our small size locs. Water gets maximum hydration, it gives 100% elasticity and it gives a strength to our small size locs that cannot be replicated with any other locks care regime or product. Knotted locks is a fusion of diverse knots, which means with established Knotted Locks you can go from the chair to the ocean with zero risk of your Knotted Locs unravelling.

Research the hands that touch your hair.
Sisterlocks Vs Knotted Locs
After 7 years of Sisterlocks, she wanted a better experience with Small Size Locs.

About Fixed Partings
My Work.
I do not like any form of permanent lines because it is unnatural. I do not believe in placing lines permanently along scalp just because you are wearing Locs when you initially had hair growing along those natural lines. Fixed permanent lines is hair loss. Even the one line.
Centre Partings
No permanent parting especially in the middle. This is where hair loss discreetly begins. I've observed how partings gradually widens, exposing more scalp. It's one of the worse practices with Sisterlocks & Microlocs. I refuse to contribute to any form of hair loss in the guise of any fixed parting.
With my practice, it either you commit to the organic nature of how you hair wants to grow or you don't.
Dear DIYers,

About Me
My name is Melissa Blake and I am the Creator of #KnottedLocs

I am a Small & Medium Size Locs Expert based in London.
12yrs Loose Natural.
18yrs Locked Up.
12yrs Hair Locking Experience.
7yrs 100% Interlocking.
4yrs Sisterlocks
4yrs Teaching Knotted Locs &

Knotted Locs Works!
You can re-locked 4 Times A Year.
Oil & Water Daily.
You don't need a fixed grid line.
You can gain continual maximum fullness by leaving your locs alone.
With 100
I strongly believe that, hair loss can be avoided when you choose #smallsizelocks CHOOSE Knotted Locs By Melissa Blake your Sisterlocks Alternative. When you choose Knotted Locs, you change the trajectory of your small size locs story.

KnottedLocs Creating/Starting (Brand New Locs).
Loc Maintenance Re-locking (All loc sizes are welcome).
Online 1-2-1 Classes DIYers Only, (How to re-lock your locs).
1-2-1 Online Consultations Locs Care Support (Hair Loss Prevention Reducing & Reversing).

Keep following my posts here, as more shares to come in my Knotted Locs clients' journeys & my hair locking discoveries!
